
使用須知 桌球場(Table Tennis) 1. 為維護使用者之權益,請愛惜使用本中心設備,並遵守各項使用須知。
2. 使用球場請至一樓櫃台完成租場手續。
3. 公益活動為回饋社會服務,請使用者更珍惜場所並遵守入場規定。
4. 患有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病、傳染病、飯後一小時內、血壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足時或其他任何身體不適者,禁止使用本設備。
5. 活動民眾必須穿著運動服裝及運動鞋進入場地,禁止穿著拖鞋、皮鞋、高跟鞋、木屐或其他不合場地使用規定之鞋類進入。
6. 場地內嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、飲食(飲用水除外)、嚼檳榔或口香糖。
7. 活動民眾應於場地租借時間內使用,如非租用時間禁止擅自進入使用。
8. 使用館內場地時,請注意使用時間,勿超時佔用(包括公益活動),尊重下一位使用者的權利。
9. 個人貴重物品、財務請自行妥善保管,若遺失本中心恕不負責。
10. 本場地所舉辦的各項活動,請依規定報名參加,禁止私下他用。
11. 嚴禁本中心教學課程以外之私人教學行為。
12. 非體育活動經本中心核准出借使用時,須另訂契約並依約辦理借用手續。
13. 如有租借/使用各項器材須先將含照片之證件押給櫃檯,於使用完畢後,請立即歸還並排列整齊。
14. 若因使用不當造成設備/器材毀損,本中心有權要求損壞賠償。(賠償細則請參照器具租借須知)
15. 為維持環境及安全,如有違反使用須知、不聽從教練指導或因個人因素而影響他人權益或導致受傷時,本中心得立即禁止使用(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。
16. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
17. 禁止攜帶寵物進入場館,法令另有規定者,不在此限。
18. 館內插座僅提供在緊急時刻使用(如身障電動車電瓶等)。 如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
19. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其使用。
20. 淋濕的物品(如:傘/鞋/衣/帽…等)請先擦乾後再帶入場館,以避免地面濕滑以及水氣損害地板材質。

1. It is everyone’s responsibility to follow all the rules at all times while using the center’s facilities in respect of the rights of all users.
2. To use the court, please go to the counter on the first floor to complete the rental procedures
3. Please follow the rules during Public Charity session as it is for social services purposes.
4. People with contagious diseases, unstable blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, had meal within 1 hour before, in drunken state, in sleep-deprived state, under impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions are not allowed to use the facility
5. Please wear appropriate exercise clothing and soft-sole athletic shoes and do not wear slippers, leather shoes, high-heels, clogs or other inappropriate shoes to enter the facility.
6. Only drinking water is allowed in the facility; other beverages including alcohol, and food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the room.
7. Please use the facility during the rental period; entry to use the facility during other times is prohibited.
8. Please pay attention and do not exceed the rental time (including public charity time session) while using the facility in respect of the rights of others.
9. Please be responsible in keeping all your own important personal belongings in secured locations; the center is not responsible for any lost items.
10. Please register for any planned activities in the facility and do not use the facility at your own will.
11. Personal teaching is not allowed other than the classes provided by the center.
12. Contract and facility rental process should be in place for any non- athletic events approved by the center.
13. Please leave your photo ID at the service counter before renting/borrowing any equipment.Please return to their original positions after use.
14. Equipment caused by misusage will be charged for compensation (please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
15. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for any injuries or violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules and coach instructions.
16. Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
17. Guide dogs welcome, no pets allowed.
18. Electrical sockets are reserved only for events or venue rental under the condition of payment of an additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
19. The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.
20. To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry all wet items(i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hat) before entering into the area.
撞球場(Pool / Billiards) 1. 為維護使用者之權益,請愛惜使用本中心設備,並遵守各項使用須知。
2. 使用球場請至一樓櫃台完成租場手續。
3. 公益活動為回饋社會服務,請使用者更珍惜場所並遵守入場規定。
4. 患有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病、傳染病、飯後一小時內、血壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足時或其他任何身體不適者,禁止使用本設備。
5. 活動民眾必須穿著運動服裝及運動鞋進入場地,禁止穿著拖鞋、皮鞋、高跟鞋、木屐或其他不合場地使用規定之鞋類進入。
6. 場地內嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、飲食(飲用水除外)、嚼檳榔或口香糖。
7. 活動民眾應於場地租借時間內使用,如非租用時間禁止擅自進入使用。
8. 使用館內場地時,請注意使用時間,勿超時佔用(包括公益活動),尊重下一位使用者的權利。
9. 個人貴重物品、財務請自行妥善保管,若遺失本中心恕不負責。
10. 本場地所舉辦的各項活動,請依規定報名參加,禁止私下他用。
11. 嚴禁本中心教學課程以外之私人教學行為。
12. 非體育活動經本中心核准出借使用時,須另訂契約並依約辦理借用手續。
13. 如有租借/使用各項器材須先將含照片之證件押給櫃檯,於使用完畢後,請立即歸還並排列整齊。
14. 若因使用不當造成設備/器材毀損,本中心有權要求損壞賠償。(賠償細則請參照器具租借須知)
15. 為維持環境及安全,如有違反使用須知、不聽從教練指導或因個人因素而影響他人權益或導致受傷時,本中心得立即禁止使用(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。
16. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
17. 禁止攜帶寵物進入場館,法令另有規定者,不在此限。
18. 館內插座僅提供在緊急時刻使用(如身障電動車電瓶等)。 如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
19. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其使用。
20. 淋濕的物品(如:傘/鞋/衣/帽…等)請先擦乾後再帶入場館,以避免地面濕滑以及水氣損害地板材質。

1. It is everyone’s responsibility to follow all the rules at all times while using the center’s facilities in respect of the rights of all users.
2. To use the court, please go to the counter on the first floor to complete the rental procedures
3. Please follow the rules during Public Charity session as it is for social services purposes.
4. People with contagious diseases, unstable blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, had meal within 1 hour before, in drunken state, in sleep-deprived state, under impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions are not allowed to use the facility
5. Please wear appropriate exercise clothing and soft-sole athletic shoes and do not wear slippers, leather shoes, high-heels, clogs or other inappropriate shoes to enter the facility.
6. Only drinking water is allowed in the facility; other beverages including alcohol, and food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the room.
7. Please use the facility during the rental period; entry to use the facility during other times is prohibited.
8. Please pay attention and do not exceed the rental time (including public charity time session) while using the facility in respect of the rights of others.
9. Please be responsible in keeping all your own important personal belongings in secured locations; the center is not responsible for any lost items.
10. Please register for any planned activities in the facility and do not use the facility at your own will.
11. Personal teaching is not allowed other than the classes provided by the center.
12. Contract and facility rental process should be in place for any non- athletic events approved by the center.
13. Please leave your photo ID at the service counter before renting/borrowing any equipment.Please return to their original positions after use.
14. Equipment caused by misusage will be charged for compensation (please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
15. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for any injuries or violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules and coach instructions.
16. Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
17. Guide dogs welcome, no pets allowed.
18. Electrical sockets are reserved only for events or venue rental under the condition of payment of an additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
19. The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.
20. To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry all wet items(i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hat) before entering into the area.
綜合球場使用須知(Multi Purpose Athletic Court Rules) 1. 為維護使用者之權益,請愛惜使用本中心設備,並遵守各項使用須知。
2. 使用球場請至一樓櫃台完成租場手續。
3. 公益活動為回饋社會服務,請使用者更珍惜場所並遵守入場規定。
4. 患有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病、傳染病、飯後一小時內、血壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足時或其他任何身體不適者,禁止使用本設備。
5. 活動民眾必須穿著運動服裝及運動鞋進入場地,禁止穿著拖鞋、皮鞋、高跟鞋、木屐或其他不合場地使用規定之鞋類進入。
6. 場地內嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、飲食(飲用水除外)、嚼檳榔或口香糖。
7. 活動民眾應於場地租借時間內使用,如非租用時間禁止擅自進入使用。
8. 使用館內場地時,請注意使用時間,勿超時佔用(包括公益活動),尊重下一位使用者的權利。
9. 個人貴重物品、財務請自行妥善保管,若遺失本中心恕不負責。
10. 本場地所舉辦的各項活動,請依規定報名參加,禁止私下他用。
11. 嚴禁本中心教學課程以外之私人教學行為。
12. 非體育活動經本中心核准出借使用時,須另訂契約並依約辦理借用手續。
13. 如有租借/使用各項器材須先將含照片之證件押給櫃檯,於使用完畢後,請立即歸還並排列整齊。
14. 若因使用不當造成設備/器材毀損,本中心有權要求損壞賠償。(賠償細則請參照器具租借須知)
15. 為維持環境及安全,如有違反使用須知、不聽從教練指導或因個人因素而影響他人權益或導致受傷時,本中心得立即禁止使用(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。 16. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
17. 禁止攜帶寵物進入場館,法令另有規定者,不在此限。
18. 館內插座僅提供在緊急時刻使用(如身障電動車電瓶等)。 如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
19. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其使用。
20. 淋濕的物品(如:傘/鞋/衣/帽…等)請先擦乾後再帶入場館,以避免地面濕滑以及水氣損害地板材質.

1. It is everyone’s responsibility to follow all the rules at all times while using the center’s facilities in respect of the rights of all users.
2. To use the court, please go to the counter on the first floor to complete the rental procedures
3. Please follow the rules during Public Charity session as it is for social services purposes.
4. People with contagious diseases, unstable blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, had meal within 1 hour before, in drunken state, in sleep-deprived state, under impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions are not allowed to use the facility
5. Please wear appropriate exercise clothing and soft-sole athletic shoes and do not wear slippers, leather shoes, high-heels, clogs or other inappropriate shoes to enter the facility.
6. Only drinking water is allowed in the facility; other beverages including alcohol, and food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the room.
7. Please use the facility during the rental period; entry to use the facility during other times is prohibited.
8. Please pay attention and do not exceed the rental time (including public charity time session) while using the facility in respect of the rights of others.
9. Please be responsible in keeping all your own important personal belongings in secured locations; the center is not responsible for any lost items.
10. Please register for any planned activities in the facility and do not use the facility at your own will.
11. Personal teaching is not allowed other than the classes provided by the center.
12. Contract and facility rental process should be in place for any non- athletic events approved by the center.
13. Please leave your photo ID at the service counter before renting/borrowing any equipment. Please return to their original positions after use.
14. Equipment caused by misusage will be charged for compensation (please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
15. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for any injuries or violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules and coach instructions.
16. Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
17. Guide dogs welcome, no pets allowed.
18. Electrical sockets are reserved only for events or venue rental under the condition of payment of an additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
19. The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.
20. To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry all wet items (i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hat) before entering into the area.


桌球場 使用須知


TableTennis Courts Use notice
1. All individuals or groups who use this space facility should abide by this notice.
2. Those who are unwell, suffer from legally infectious diseases, heart disease, high blood pressure and other related diseases that are not suitable for exercise, and drinkers are prohibited from using this venue.
3. Smoking, drinking, chewing betel nuts, chewing gum, and bringing rain gear, pets (except for statutory special regulations) and any food (except boiling water and mineral water) are strictly prohibited.
4. Keep personal belongings by yourself; take responsibility for lost items.
5. Those who enter this venue must wear sports shoes to maintain the quality of the floor.
6. Except for the teaching courses approved by the center, private teaching is strictly prohibited.
7. Without the permission of the center, it is forbidden to take pictures, photographs, or record; post or hang posters, banners, slogans, etc.
8. When using each venue, the safety rules of each venue should be followed. The staff of the center can stop the behavior of users with safety concerns at any time.
9. If they do not listen, stop it. The center has the right to force users to leave the center or local venues.
10. To use this venue, please complete the payment in advance and present the invoice at the counter on the same day to complete the registration before you can enter the facility.
11. Please do not conduct private teaching without application.
12. Equipment and equipment damage caused by improper use shall be compensated at the price.
13. If there are any unexplained matters in this notice, it may be revised and announced at any time.

籃球場 使用須知


Basketball Courts Use notice
1. All individuals or groups who use this space facility should abide by this notice.
2. Those who are unwell, suffer from legally infectious diseases, heart disease, high blood pressure and other related diseases that are not suitable for exercise, and drinkers are prohibited from using this venue.
3. Smoking, drinking, chewing betel nuts, chewing gum, and bringing rain gear, pets (except for statutory special regulations) and any food (except boiling water and mineral water) are strictly prohibited.
4. Keep personal belongings by yourself; take responsibility for lost items.
5. Those who enter this venue must wear sports shoes to maintain the quality of the floor.
6. Except for the teaching courses approved by the center, private teaching is strictly prohibited.
7. Without the permission of the center, it is forbidden to take pictures, photographs, or record; post or hang posters, banners, slogans, etc.
8. When using each venue, the safety rules of each venue should be followed. The staff of the center can stop the behavior of users with safety concerns at any time.
9. If they do not listen, stop it. The center has the right to force users to leave the center or local venues.
10. To use this venue, please complete the payment in advance and present the invoice at the counter on the same day to complete the registration before you can enter the facility.
11. Please do not conduct private teaching without application.
12. Equipment and equipment damage caused by improper use shall be compensated at the price.
13. If there are any unexplained matters in this notice, it may be revised and announced at any time.

羽毛球場 使用須知


Badminton Courts Use notice
1. All individuals or groups who use this space facility should abide by this notice.
2. Those who are unwell, suffer from legally infectious diseases, heart disease, high blood pressure and other related diseases that are not suitable for exercise, and drinkers are prohibited from using this venue.
3. Smoking, drinking, chewing betel nuts, chewing gum, and bringing rain gear, pets (except for statutory special regulations) and any food (except boiling water and mineral water) are strictly prohibited.
4. Keep personal belongings by yourself; take responsibility for lost items.
5. Those who enter this venue must wear sports shoes to maintain the quality of the floor.
6. Except for the teaching courses approved by the center, private teaching is strictly prohibited.
7. Without the permission of the center, it is forbidden to take pictures, photographs, or record; post or hang posters, banners, slogans, etc.
8. When using each venue, the safety rules of each venue should be followed. The staff of the center can stop the behavior of users with safety concerns at any time.
9. If they do not listen, stop it. The center has the right to force users to leave the center or local venues.
10. To use this venue, please complete the payment in advance and present the invoice at the counter on the same day to complete the registration before you can enter the facility.
11. Please do not conduct private teaching without application.
12. Equipment and equipment damage caused by improper use shall be compensated at the price.
13. If there are any unexplained matters in this notice, it may be revised and announced at any time.


B1/桌球場使用須知 A. 本場地接受電話、網路及現場預訂。
B. 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖、攜帶寵物(法令另有規定者除外)、雨具及攜帶任何食品進入館內。
C. 公共場所私人物品須自行保管,若有遺失自行負責。
D. 未經許可禁止張貼海報、旗幟、標語等。
E. 未經申請核准者,不得進行私人教學。
F. 本場地最適使用人數:32人。

A. This facility is open to telephone, online, and on-site reservations.
B. Smoking, drinking, chewing betel nuts or gum, bringing in pets (except when prescribed otherwise by law), using raingear, and bringing any food into the court are strictly prohibited.
C. Maintain the safekeeping of personal belongings when in public areas; users will bear responsibility for any lost personal items.
D. Users may not affix posters, banners, slogans, etc. without permission.
E. Persons may not engage in private instruction without making an application and obtaining approval.
F. Most suitable maximum number of users: 32 persons
B1/撞球場使用須知 A. 本場地接受電話、網路及現場預訂。
B. 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖、攜帶寵物(法令另有規定者除外)、雨具及攜帶任何食品進入館內。
C. 公共場所私人物品須自行保管,若有遺失自行負責。
D. 未經許可禁止張貼海報、旗幟、標語等。
E. 未經申請核准者,不得進行私人教學。
F. 本場地最適使用人數:24人。

A. This facility is open to telephone, online, and on-site reservations.
B. Smoking, drinking, chewing betel nuts or gum, bringing in pets (except when prescribed otherwise by law), using raingear, and bringing any food into the court are strictly prohibited.
C. Maintain the safekeeping of personal belongings when in public areas; users will bear responsibility for any lost personal items.
D. Users may not affix posters, banners, slogans, etc. without permission.
E. Persons may not engage in private instruction without making an application and obtaining approval.
F. Most suitable maximum number of users: 24 persons
8F/籃球場使用須知 A. 本場地接受電話、網路及現場預訂;年租季繳依照本中心年租辦法辦理。
B. 患有傳染病、心臟病、急性骨骼運動傷害、惡性腫瘤及多發性硬化症、意識不清及未經控制之高血壓及糖尿病者,於生理或心理狀態不適宜入場使用之情形者,不可從事籃球等激烈運動。
C. 進入本場地木質地板活動者,需著運動鞋,以維護木質地板品質。
D. 使用本場地各項器材設備時應遵守安全規定,教練或指導員得以隨時制止使用者具有安全顧慮之行為,如不聽制止,本中心得強制使用者離開本場地之權利。
E. 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖、攜帶寵物(法令另有規定者除外)、雨具及攜帶任何食品進入館內。
F. 未經申請核准者,不得進行私人教學。
G. 公共場所私人物品須自行保管,若有遺失自行負責。
H. 未經許可禁止張貼海報、旗幟、標語等。
I. 本場地最適使用人數:動態體育性活動150人;靜態集會型活動350人

A. The basketball court is open to telephone, online, and on-site reservations; annual rental may be paid on a quarterly basis in accordance with this center's annual rental regulations.
B. Persons with infectious diseases, heart disease, acute musculoskeletal and sports injuries, malignant tumors, multiple sclerosis, or uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes, or in a state of stupor, and those who are in an inappropriate physiological or psychological state, may not engage in basketball or other intense exercise.
C. To maintain the quality of the wood floor, persons making use of the court must wear athletic footwear.
D. Persons using the court's various equipment must abide by safety regulations; trainers or designated personnel may stop the actions of users engaging in possibly unsafe behavior; this center shall have the right to compel users to leave the court if they fail to heed such requests.
E. Smoking, drinking, chewing betel nuts or gum, bringing in pets (except when prescribed otherwise by law), using raingear, and bringing any food into the court are strictly prohibited.
F. Persons may not engage in private instruction without making an application and obtaining approval.
G. Maintain the safekeeping of personal belongings when in public areas; users will bear responsibility for any lost personal items.
H. Users may not affix posters, banners, slogans, etc. without permission.
I. Most suitable maximum number of users: 150 persons for sporting activities; 350 persons for gatherings and the like.
10F/羽球場使用須知 A. 本場地接受電話、網路及現場預訂;年租季繳依照本中心年租辦法辦理。
B. 患有傳染病、心臟病、急性骨骼運動傷害、惡性腫瘤及多發性硬化症、意識不清及未經控制之高血壓及糖尿病者,於生理或心理狀態不適宜入場使用之情形者,不可從事羽球等激烈運動。
C. 進入本場地地板活動者,需著運動鞋(禁止著黑底膠鞋),以維護地板品質。
D. 使用本場地各項器材設備時應遵守安全規定,教練或指導員得以隨時制止使用者具有安全顧慮之行為,如不聽制止,本中心得強制使用者離開本場地之權利。
E. 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖、攜帶寵物(法令另有規定者除外)、雨具及攜帶任何食品進入館內。
F. 公共場所私人物品須自行保管,若有遺失自行負責。
G. 未經許可禁止張貼海報、旗幟、標語等。
H. 未經申請核准者,不得進行私人教學。
I. 本場地最適使用人數:24人。

A. The basketball court is open to telephone, online, and on-site reservations; annual rental may be paid on a quarterly basis in accordance with this center's annual rental regulations.
B. Persons with infectious diseases, heart disease, acute musculoskeletal and sports injuries, malignant tumors, multiple sclerosis, or uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes, or in a state of stupor, and those who are in an inappropriate physiological or psychological state, may not engage in badminton or other intense exercise.
C. To maintain the quality of the wood floor, persons making use of the court must wear athletic footwear (black-bottomed rubber-soled shoes are prohibited).
D. Persons using the court's various equipment must abide by safety regulations; trainers or designated personnel may stop the actions of users engaging in possibly unsafe behavior; this center shall have the right to compel users to leave the court if they fail to heed such requests.
E. Smoking, drinking, chewing betel nuts or gum, bringing in pets (except when prescribed otherwise by law), using raingear, and bringing any food into the court are strictly prohibited.
F. Maintain the safekeeping of personal belongings when in public areas; users will bear responsibility for any lost personal items.
G. Users may not affix posters, banners, slogans, etc. without permission.
H. Persons may not engage in private instruction without making an application and obtaining approval.
I. Most suitable maximum number of users: 24 persons
11F/壁球室使用須知 A. 本場地接受電話、網路及現場預訂。
B. 患有傳染病、心臟病、急性骨骼運動傷害、惡性腫瘤及多發性硬化症、意識不清及未經控制之高血壓及糖尿病者,於生理或心理狀態不適宜入場使用之情形者,不可從事壁球等激烈運動。
C. 進入本場地木質地板活動者,需著運動鞋,以維護木質地板品質。
D. 使用本場地各項器材設備時應遵守安全規定,教練或指導員得以隨時制止使用者具有安全顧慮之行為,如不聽制止,本中心得強制使用者離開本場地之權利。
E. 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖、攜帶寵物(法令另有規定者除外)、雨具及攜帶任何食品進入室內。
F. 公共場所私人物品需自行保管;物品遺失自行負責。
G. 未經許可禁止張貼海報、旗幟、標語等。
H. 未經申請核准者,不得進行私人教學。
I. 本場地最適使用人數:4人

A. This facility is open to telephone, online, and on-site reservations.
B. Persons with infectious diseases, heart disease, acute musculoskeletal and sports injuries, malignant tumors, multiple sclerosis, or uncontrolled hypertension and diabetes, or in a state of stupor, and those who are in an inappropriate physiological or psychological state, may not engage in squash or other intense exercise.
C. To maintain the quality of the wood floor, persons making use of the court must wear athletic footwear.
D. Persons using the court's various equipment must abide by safety regulations; trainers or designated personnel may stop the actions of users engaging in possibly unsafe behavior; this center shall have the right to compel users to leave the court if they fail to heed such requests.
E. Smoking, drinking, chewing betel nuts or gum, bringing in pets (except when prescribed otherwise by law), using raingear, and bringing any food into the court are strictly prohibited.
F. Maintain the safekeeping of personal belongings when in public areas; users will bear responsibility for any lost personal items.
G. Users may not affix posters, banners, slogans, etc. without permission.
H. Persons may not engage in private instruction without making an application and obtaining approval.
I. Most suitable maximum number of users: 4 persons


場地使用須知 迷你足球場(MiniFootball)
萬華運動中心多功能運動場(迷你足球場) 使用規範
1. 萬華運動中心多功能運動場(下稱本場地)以足球訓練課程、租借等足球相關活動為原則,使用前需與管理單位申請及完成繳費手續。
2. 一般場租僅供一般民眾進行足球運動及自行練習使用,如有發現用途不符,將請租用人補繳相關費用,如租用人不同意,本中心得追究租用人法律責任並停止場地之使用。
3. 活動包場為機關單位辦理活動,恕不接受電話及線上預約,請與本中心承辦人聯絡,經場勘並簽訂報價合約等程序後,方可預約及租借場地。
4. 使用本場地應穿著體育服裝和適合之運動鞋或足球鞋,請勿穿著高跟鞋以免破壞球場,球場四周圍網請勿故意倚靠、拉扯。
5. 本場地禁止飲食,僅可攜帶飲用水進入,非飲用水之各類飲料、食物請勿攜入,寵物不得進入球場。
6. 場地嚴禁吸菸、嚼食檳榔、亂丟垃圾、烤肉、炊事、私放煙火、妨礙他人活動與其他具危險性之行為。
7. 汽、機、腳踏車、音響設備、舞台等,以及其他大型機械與器具,禁止進入球場,以維護球場品質與整潔。
8. 不得於草皮上噴畫標誌、打釘(樁),或以漿糊膠紙、膠水膠帶、鐵釘或圖釘等物品施作於足球場草皮中,若造成破壞應恢復原狀、照價賠償。
9. 場地各項更動須經管理單位同意,原有場地設備不得擅自變更,並於場地用畢回復原狀交還,如有損毀應照原狀修復、照價賠償。違者得由管理單位逕予處理並收取相關處理費用。
10. 為維護球場周圍行人與公共安全,使用中勿嬉戲、故意將球踢高,若因高球飛出圍網造成球場外人車或其他財產損傷,借用者須負賠償責任。
11. 從事運動前應先了解該項設施週邊之安全距離,預防撞擊發生。
12. 從事運動前應先自我評估身體狀況,若感到身體不適、精神不濟、心理狀態不佳或酒後應禁止運動。
13. 私人物品及物件請各自妥善保管,倘有遺失恕不負責。
14. 本中心基於行銷及配合市政等目的,將不定期拍攝場地使用狀況,使用於各種設計、重製、宣傳、發表、出版、展覽、網路公開傳輸、刊登報章雜誌、出版等用途。
15. 違反上述規定除收取相關處理費用外,並停止後續場地租借權利。

1. Wanhua Sports Center Multi-purpose sports field (hereinafter referred to as the venue) is based on the principle of football training courses, rental and other football-related activities. Before using, you must apply for and complete the payment procedures with the management unit.
2. The general rent is only for the general public to play football and practice on their own. If the use is found to be inconsistent, the hirer will be required to pay the relevant fees. If the hirer does not agree, the center may pursue the legal responsibility of the hirer and stop the venue. use.
3. The event package office will handle the activities for the government agencies. The telephone and online appointments will not be accepted. Please contact the organizer of the center, and after the process of mapping and signing the quotation contract, you can make an appointment and rent the venue.
4. Use this venue to wear sportswear and suitable sports shoes or football shoes. Do not wear high-heeled shoes to avoid damaging the stadium. Do not deliberately lean on or pull the four surrounding nets.
5. It is forbidden to eat at this venue. It can only be carried with drinking water. Do not bring all kinds of beverages and foods that are not drinking water. Pets are not allowed to enter the stadium.
6. The venue is strictly prohibited from smoking, chewing betel nuts, littering, roasting, cooking, private fireworks, obstructing other people's activities and other dangerous behaviors.
7. Steam, machine, bicycle, audio equipment, stage, etc., as well as other large machinery and appliances, are prohibited from entering the stadium to maintain the quality and cleanliness of the course.
8. Do not spray signs or nails on the turf, or use paste paper, glue tape, nails or pushpins to apply to the turf of the football field. If damage is caused, it should be restored to the original condition and compensated for the price.
9. The changes of the venue shall be subject to the approval of the management unit. The original site equipment shall not be altered without authorization, and shall be returned to the original site after the use of the site. If damage occurs, it shall be repaired as it is and compensated according to the price. Offenders may be processed by the management unit and charged for processing fees.
10. In order to maintain pedestrians and public safety around the stadium, do not play and deliberately kick the ball high. If the high ball flies out of the fence and causes damage to the outside car or other property, the borrower must be liable.
11. Before engaging in sports, you should first understand the safety distance around the facility to prevent collisions.
12. Self-assessment of your physical condition before engaging in exercise. If you feel unwell, have a poor mental state, have a poor mental state, or prohibit exercise after drinking.
13. Please keep your personal belongings and articles in a safe place. If you have lost, you are not responsible.
14. Based on marketing and cooperation with the municipal government, the Center will occasionally record the use of the venue for various purposes such as design, reproduction, publicity, publication, publication, exhibition, online public transmission, publication of newspapers and magazines, and publications.
15. In violation of the above provisions, in addition to receiving relevant processing fees, and stop the subsequent venue rental rights.
1. 本場地需事前預約,未租借時段,得開放民眾臨租入場使用。

1. The venue needs to be reserved in advance, and the unmanned rental period will be open for rent.
2. It is necessary to wear sports shoes to enter the stadium. It is strictly forbidden to enter black rubber sole shoes, sandals and leather shoes. If there is any violation of the site, it shall be liable for compensation.
3. It is strictly forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, chew betel nuts, chewing gum and bring any food or drink into the venue.
4. It is forbidden to bring pets and rain gear into the venue (except for guide dogs).
5. Physical discomfort and alcohol are prohibited from entering the field.
6. Children are prohibited from playing and running in the venue.
7. Please keep your personal belongings. If the items are lost, the center will not be responsible.
8. It is forbidden to post posters and damage the wall without permission.
9. Based on marketing and cooperation with the municipal government, the Center will occasionally film the use of the venue for various designs, reproductions, publicity, publication, publication, exhibition, online public transmission, publication of newspapers and magazines, publishing and other purposes.
10. The Center reserves the right to add or modify these Terms of Use according to the actual situation on site.
多功能場地(Multifunction courts)
1. 本場地需事前預約,未租借時段,得開放民眾臨租入場使用。
2. 一般場租僅供一般民眾進行籃羽球運動及自行練習使用,如有發現用途不符,將請租用人補繳相關費用,如租用人不同意,本中心得追究租用人法律責任並停止場地之使用。
3. 活動包場為機關、單位團體辦理活動,恕不接受電話及線上預約,請與本中心承辦人聯絡,經場勘並簽訂報價合約等程序後,方可預約及租借場地。
4. 嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖及攜帶任何食品、飲料進入場館。
5. 禁止攜帶寵物及雨具進入場館。(導盲犬除外)
6. 身體不適及酒後禁止進入場運動。
7. 禁止兒童於場內嬉戲奔跑。
8. 私人物品自行保管,物品遺失本中心恕不負責。
9. 未經許可禁止張貼海報、及毀損牆面。
10. 本中心基於行銷及配合市政等目的,將不定期拍攝場地使用狀況,使用於各種設計、重製、宣傳、發表、出版、展覽、網路公開傳輸、刊登報章雜誌、出版等用途。
11. 本中心保有依現場實際情況增列或修改本使用規定之權利。

1. The venue needs to be reserved in advance, and the unmanned rental period will be open for rent.
2. The general rent is for the general public to carry out the badminton and exercise on their own. If the use is found to be inconsistent, the hirer will be required to pay the relevant fees. If the hirer does not agree, the center may pursue the legal liability of the hirer and stop the hirer from using the venue.
3. The event package is for the organization and unit organizations. The phone and online appointments are not accepted. Please contact the organizer of the center. After the site investigation and signing the quotation contract, you can make an appointment and rent the venue.
4. It is strictly forbidden to smoke, drink alcohol, chew betel nuts, chewing gum and bring any food or beverage into the venue.
5. Pets and rain gear are not allowed to enter the venue (except guide dogs).
6. Physical discomfort and alcohol are prohibited from entering the field.
7. Children are prohibited from playing and running on the ground.
8. Please keep your personal belongings. If the items are lost, the center will not be responsible.
9. It is forbidden to post posters and damage the wall without permission.
10. Based on marketing and cooperation with the municipal government, the Center will occasionally photograph the use of the venue for various designs, reproductions, publicity, publication, publication, exhibition, public network transmission, publication of newspapers and magazines, and publications.
11. The Center reserves the right to add or modify these Terms of Use according to the actual situation on site.
高爾夫球(Golf Room)
14.若因使用不當造成設備/器材毀損,本中心有權要求損壞賠償。(賠償細則請參照器具租借須知 )
19.館內插座不提供給個人使用。 如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。

1.It is everyone's responsibility to follow all the rules while using the center's facilities in respect of the rights of all users.
2.Please purchase tickets at 1F Reception Counter before using the facility.
3.Please follow the rules during Public Charity session as it is for social services purposes.
4.People with contagious diseases, unstable blood pressure, diabetes, heart conditions, had meal within 1 hour before, in drunken state, in sleep-deprived state, under impact of medication or any other unfit health conditions are not allowed to use the facility.
5.Please wear appropriate exercise clothing and soft-sole athletic shoes and do not wear slippers, leather shoes, high-heels, clogs or other inappropriate shoes to enter the facility.
6.Only drinking water is allowed in the facility; other beverages including alcohol, and food, chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the room.
7.Please use the facility during the rental period; entry to use the facility during other times is prohibited.
8.Please pay attention and do not exceed the rental time (including public charity time session) while using the facility in respect of the rights of others.
9.Please be responsible in keeping all your own important personal belongings in secured locations; the center is not responsible for any lost items.
10.Please register for any planned activities in the facility and do not use the facility at your own will.
11.Personal teaching is not allowed other than the classes provided by the center.
12.Contract and facility rental process should be in place for any non-athletic events approved by the center.
13.Please leave your photo ID at the service counter before renting/borrowing any equipment. Please return to their original positions after use.
14.Equipment caused by misusage will be charged for compensation (please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
15.Please do not sit on, step over the surrounding wrap, or lean on the table tennis table.
16.The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for any injuries or violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules and coach instructions.
17.Photography, videography, poster hanging, flag hanging, labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
18.Guide dogs welcome, no pets allowed.
19.Electrical sockets are reserved only for events or venue rental under the condition of payment of an additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
20.The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.
21.To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry all wet items (i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hat) before entering into the area.


松運泳池租借資訊及相關規範 其他資訊及規定請參閱官方網站http://sssc.com.tw/1f/50m-游泳池/


各場地使用須知 羽球、桌球場地使用規範 Badminton and table tennis court Rules 1. 使用本場地請先至一樓櫃檯預約繳費後使用,違規使用者視同購買使用該時段。
Please purchase tickets at 1F counter before using the facility.User that do not abide by the rule will be deemed to purchase the specific time period.
2. 活動民眾須穿著運動服裝及運動鞋入球場,禁止穿著皮鞋、拖鞋、涼鞋、高跟鞋、帆布鞋、休閒鞋及未穿鞋或其他不符合規定之鞋進入,以免損壞地面。
Please wear appropriate exercise clothing and soft-sole athletic shoes and do not wear leather shoes,slippers,sandal,high-heels,canvas shoes,leisure shoes or other inappropriate shoes to enter the facility in order to avoid damage to the ground.
3. 民眾應於球場開放時間內預約使用,如無預約或非開放時間禁止擅自進入使用。
Please use the facility during the rental period;entry to use the facility during other times is prohibited.
4. 禁止攜帶寵物及雨具進入球場。
Pets,umbrella and raincoats are not allowed to enter the area.
5. 禁止隨行兒童於場地內奔跑嬉戲。
Chidren are not allowed to running and frolicking on the court.
6. 球場之設施應愛惜使用,如因使用不當損壞應照價賠償。
Equipment caused by misusage will be charged for compensation,so please use the facility with care.
7. 場館內嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、吃檳榔、飲食、用餐及嚼食口香糖,飲用水請裝於有瓶蓋之容器內。
Only drinking water with cap is allowed in the facility;other beverages including alcohol,and food,chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the room.
8. 本中心不負責保管私人物品之責任,若有貴重物品請隨身攜帶。
Please be responsible in keeping all your own important personal belongings in secured locations;the center is not responsible for any lost items.
9. 運動中身體若有不適,請立即停止運動,並告知現場人員。
If you feel uncomfortable during exercise,please stop immediately and contact the staff members.
10. 若有任何不適宜從事運動相關症狀或疾病者,謝絕使用(除持有醫師證明者外)。
People with unfit health conditions or illnesses are not allowed to use the facility.
11. 非體育性活動,須經本中心核准,出借使用時應另訂契約並依約辦理租借手續。
Contract and facility rental process should be in place for any non-athletic events approved by the center.
12. 未經本中心核准,嚴禁非館方約聘教練私下進行教學、訓練等相關活動。
Personal teaching or training are not allowed.
13. 未經本館許可禁止張貼、懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
Poster hanging,flag hanging,labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
14. 使用者若有違反上述事項,本中心管理人員可隨時禁止使用者之行為。
The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility if the user do not cooperate with the rules.
15. 本中心保有因活動、課程等需要,暫停租借或開放羽球、桌球場之權力。
Our centre has the right to suspend the use and rent of the court due to the needs of activities and classes.
16. 本規則如有未盡事宜得隨時修正並公告之。
The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule.
綜合球場使用規範 Sport Field Rules 1. 使用本場地請先至一樓櫃檯預約繳費後使用,違規使用者視同購買使用該時段。
Please purchase tickets at 1F counter before using the facility.User that do not abide by the rule will be deemed to purchase the specific time period.
2. 活動民眾須穿著運動服裝及運動鞋入球場,禁止穿著皮鞋、拖鞋、涼鞋、高跟鞋、帆布鞋、休閒鞋及未穿鞋或其他不符合規定之鞋進入,以免損壞地面。
Please wear appropriate exercise clothing and soft-sole athletic shoes and do not wear leather shoes,slippers,sandal,high-heels,canvas shoes,leisure shoes or other inappropriate shoes to enter the facility in order to avoid damage to the ground.
3. 民眾應於球場開放時間內預約使用,如無預約或非開放時間禁止擅自進入使用。
Please use the facility during the rental period;entry to use the facility during other times is prohibited.
4. 禁止攜帶寵物及雨具進入球場。
Pets,umbrella and raincoats are not allowed to enter the area.
5. 禁止隨行兒童於場地內奔跑嬉戲。
Chidren are not allowed to running and frolicking on the court.
6. 球場之設施應愛惜使用,如因使用不當損壞應照價賠償。
Equipment caused by misusage will be charged for compensation,so please use the facility with care.
7. 場館內嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、吃檳榔、飲食、用餐及嚼食口香糖,飲用水請裝於有瓶蓋之容器內。
Only drinking water with cap is allowed in the facility;other beverages including alcohol,and food,chewing beetle nuts or gum and smoking are not allowed in the room.
8. 本中心不負責保管私人物品之責任,若有貴重物品請隨身攜帶。
Please be responsible in keeping all your own important personal belongings in secured locations;the center is not responsible for any lost items.
9. 運動中身體若有不適,請立即停止運動,並告知現場人員。
If you feel uncomfortable during exercise,please stop immediately and contact the staff members.
10. 若有任何不適宜從事運動相關症狀或疾病者,謝絕使用(除持有醫師證明者外)。
People with unfit health conditions or illnesses are not allowed to use the facility.
11. 非體育性活動,須經本中心核准,出借使用時應另訂契約並依約辦理租借手續。
Contract and facility rental process should be in place for any non-athletic events approved by the center.
12. 未經本中心核准,嚴禁非館方約聘教練私下進行教學、訓練等相關活動。
Personal teaching or training are not allowed.
13. 未經本館許可禁止張貼、懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
Poster hanging,flag hanging,labeling and other such behaviors are not allowed unless approved by the center.
14. 使用者若有違反上述事項,本中心管理人員可隨時禁止使用者之行為。
The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility if the user do not cooperate with the rules.
15. 本中心保有因活動、課程等需要,暫停租借或開放綜合球場之權力。
The facility has the right to stop the use and renting of the court due to the need of activities andclasses.
16. 本規則如有未盡事宜得隨時修正並公告之。
The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule


各場地使用需知: 多功能綜合球場(Multifunctional Gymnasium) 一、本場地需事前申請,活動前10日內接受現場或電話預約。
八、本場地最適使用人數動態體育性活動:200人 靜態集會型活動:300人
1.To apply for the use of this venue, please make a reservation 10 days in advance through phone or at the front desk.
2.Patrons with the following conditions must not take part in intense sports such as basketball: infectious diseases, heart diseases, acute sports injury, malignant tumor, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, conscious disturbance; those with a high blood pressure or diabetes yet not on medication.
3.Patrons entering the gymnasium must wear sports shoes at all times.
4.Patrons should abide by the safety regulations of this venue. Coaches or directors reserve the right to stop a patron from behaviors that may endanger other users. Patrons may be ejected from the venue should he/she refuse to stop such a behavior after a first warning.
5.Smoking, drinking, and chewing beetle nut or gum are prohibited. Food, drinks, pets, and umbrellas are not allowed in the gym.
6.Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
7.Putting up posters, flags, or signs is prohibited.
8.Maximum capacity: Sporting events 200 people / Non-sporting events 300 people.


使用須知 桌球場(Table Tennis) 1. 為維護使用者之權益,請愛惜使用本中心設備,並遵守各項使用須知。
2. 使用本設備請先於1樓櫃台購票後,始可入場使用。
3. 公益活動為回饋社會服務,請使用者更珍惜場所並遵守入場規定。
4. 若有以下情形之一,禁止使用本設備:(1)患有傳染性疾病者。(2)飯後一小時內、血壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足時或其他任何身體不適者。(3)患有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病等,於生理或心理狀態不適宜入場使用之情形者。
5. 活動民眾必須穿著運動服裝及運動鞋進入場地,禁止穿著拖鞋、皮鞋、高跟鞋、木屐或其他不合場地使用規定之鞋類進入。
6. 場地內嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、飲食(飲用水除外)、嚼檳榔或口香糖。
7. 活動民眾應於場地租借時間內使用,如非租用時間禁止擅自進入使用。
8. 使用館內場地時,請注意使用時間,勿超時佔用(包括公益活動),尊重下一位使用者的權利。
9. 個人貴重物品、財務請自行妥善保管,若遺失本中心恕不負責。
10. 本場地所舉辦的各項活動,請依規定報名參加,禁止私下他用。
11. 嚴禁本中心教學課程以外之私人教學行為,但經本中心核准同意者不在此限。請參閱臺北市中正運動中心私人教學管理辦法。
12. 非體育活動經本中心核准出借使用時,須另訂契約並依約辦理借用手續。
13. 如有租借/使用各項器材須先將含照片之證件押給櫃檯,於使用完畢後,請立即歸還並排列整齊。
14. 若因使用不當造成設備/器材毀損,本中心有權要求損壞賠償。(賠償細則請參照器具租借須知)
15. 活動民眾禁止攀坐以及倚靠檯桌。
16. 為維持環境及安全,如有違反使用須知、不聽從教練指導或因個人因素而影響他人權益或導致受傷時,本中心得立即禁止使用(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。
17. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
18. 禁止攜帶寵物進入場館,法令另有規定者,不在此限。
19. 館內插座不提供給個人使用。 如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
20. 淋濕的物品(如:傘/鞋/衣/帽…等)請先擦乾後再帶入場館,以避免地面濕滑以及水氣損害地板材質。
21. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其購票使用。

1. For users' rights and interests, please kindly comply with the rules.
2. Please purchase tickets at Reception Counter at 1st floor before using the facility.
3. Please comply with the rules and take care of public property especially in free admission.
4. People with condition below, please do not use the facility: with contagious disease, have had meals within an hour, Hypotension or Hypertension, using alcohol, sleep deprivation, diabetes, hearts disease…etc. Once you feel anything wrong with your body, please do not use the facility.
5. Please wear proper attire and athletic shoes entering to the billiards/snookballs/golf room. Wearing slippers, leather shoes, high heels, clogs or any inappropriate shoes are not allowed.
6. Please do not smoke, drink (except for water), eat, and chew betel nuts or chewing gum in this area.
7. Please use the facility during the time slot in your rental; it is forbidden to enter without permission.
8. For users' rights and interests, please do not use over-time.
9. Please keep your personal belongings safe at all time, we are not liable for any loss.
10. Please sign up for activities according to the guideline. Do not join any activity without approval.
11. Personal training is not allowed unless accepted by the center. Please refer to the personal training rules of our center.
12. Non-athletic events need to apply with further contracts for approvals.
13. Please leave your photo ID at the service counter if renting/borrowing any equipment. Please return the equipment to their original positions after use.
14. We will claim for damage caused by miscues. (Please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
15. Please do not sit on or lean on the billiards table.
16. In order to maintain the facility and for your safety, if there is violation or injure caused by disobeying the coach, or any personal issue, we will stop you to use any facility right away without compensation.
17. Photography, videography, poster hanging, flags hanging, and labeling and other such behaviors are forbidden without our approval.
18. We do not recommend entering the facility with your pets, while guide dogs are welcome.
19. Electrical sockets are reserved for events or venue rental with additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
20. To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry the wet items (i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hats) before entering the area.
21. The center reserved the right to add or revised the rules by announcement on site or staff’s explanations. Staffs on duty have the right to stop improper using without compensation even forbidden who violated the rule to enter.
撞球場(Billiards) 1. 為維護使用者之權益,請愛惜使用本中心設備,並遵守各項使用須知。
2. 使用本設備請先於1樓櫃台購票後,始可入場使用。
3. 公益活動為回饋社會服務,請使用者更珍惜場所並遵守入場規定。
4. 若有以下情形之一,禁止使用本設備:(1)患有傳染性疾病者。(2)飯後一小時內、血壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足時或其他任何身體不適者。(3)患有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病等,於生理或心理狀態不適宜入場使用之情形者。
5. 活動民眾必須穿著運動服裝及運動鞋進入場地,禁止穿著拖鞋、皮鞋、高跟鞋、木屐或其他不合場地使用規定之鞋類進入。
6. 為保持足撞球場設施清潔,使用足撞球場時必須脫鞋並穿著襪子,方能進入球場。
7. 場地內嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、飲食(飲用水除外)、嚼檳榔或口香糖。
8. 活動民眾應於場地租借時間內使用,如非租用時間禁止擅自進入使用。
9. 使用館內場地時,請注意使用時間,勿超時佔用(包括公益活動),尊重下一位使用者的權利。
10. 個人貴重物品、財務請自行妥善保管,若遺失本中心恕不負責。
11. 本場地所舉辦的各項活動,請依規定報名參加,禁止私下他用。
12. 嚴禁本中心教學課程以外之私人教學行為,但經本中心核准同意者不在此限。請參閱臺北市中正運動中心私人教學管理辦法。
13. 非體育活動經本中心核准出借使用時,須另訂契約並依約辦理借用手續。
14. 如有租借/使用各項器材須先將含照片之證件押給櫃檯,於使用完畢後,請立即歸還並排列整齊。
15. 若因使用不當造成設備/器材毀損,本中心有權要求損壞賠償。(賠償細則請參照器具租借須知)
16. 活動民眾禁止攀坐以及倚靠檯桌。
17. 為維持環境及安全,如有違反使用須知、不聽從教練指導或因個人因素而影響他人權益或導致受傷時,本中心得立即禁止使用(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。
18. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
19. 禁止攜帶寵物進入場館,法令另有規定者,不在此限。
20. 館內插座不提供給個人使用。 如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
21. 淋濕的物品(如:傘/鞋/衣/帽…等)請先擦乾後再帶入場館,以避免地面濕滑以及水氣損害地板材質。
22. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其購票使用。

1. For users' rights and interests, please kindly comply with the rules.
2. Please purchase tickets at Reception Counter at 1st floor before using the facility.
3. Please comply with the rules and take care of public property especially in free admission.
4. People with condition below, please do not use the facility: with contagious disease, have had meals within an hour, Hypotension or Hypertension, using alcohol, sleep deprivation, diabetes, hearts disease…etc. Once you feel anything wrong with your body, please do not use the facility.
5. Please wear proper attire and athletic shoes entering to the billiards/snookballs/golf room. Wearing slippers, leather shoes, high heels, clogs or any inappropriate shoes are not allowed.
6. To keep the Snookball space clean, please take off your shoes and use the facility wearing socks.
7. Please do not smoke, drink (except for water), eat, and chew betel nuts or chewing gum in this area.
8. Please use the facility during the time slot in your rental; it is forbidden to enter without permission.
9. For users' rights and interests, please do not use over-time.
10. Please keep your personal belongings safe at all time, we are not liable for any loss.
11. Please sign up for activities according to the guideline. Do not join any activity without approval.
12. Personal training is not allowed unless accepted by the center. Please refer to the personal training rules of our center.
13. Non-athletic events need to apply with further contracts for approvals.
14. Please leave your photo ID at the service counter if renting/borrowing any equipment. Please return the equipment to their original positions after use.
15. We will claim for damage caused by miscues. (Please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
16. Please do not sit on or lean on the billiards table.
17. In order to maintain the facility and for your safety, if there is violation or injure caused by disobeying the coach, or any personal issue, we will stop you to use any facility right away without compensation.
18. Photography, videography, poster hanging, flags hanging, and labeling and other such behaviors are forbidden without our approval.
19. We do not recommend entering the facility with your pets, while guide dogs are welcome.
20. Electrical sockets are reserved for events or venue rental with additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
21. To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry the wet items (i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hats) before entering the area.
22. The center reserved the right to add or revised the rules by announcement on site or staff’s explanations. Staffs on duty have the right to stop improper using without compensation even forbidden who violated the rule to enter.
羽球場使用須知(Badminton Court Rules) 1. 為維護使用者之權益,請愛惜使用本中心設備,並遵守各項使用須知。
2. 使用本設備請先於1樓櫃台購票後,始可入場使用。
3. 公益活動為回饋社會服務,請使用者更珍惜場所並遵守入場規定。
4. 若有以下情形之一,禁止使用本設備:(1)患有傳染性疾病者。(2)飯後一小時內、血壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足時或其他任何身體不適者。(3)患有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病等,於生理或心理狀態不適宜入場使用之情形者。
5. 活動民眾必須穿著運動服裝及運動鞋進入場地,禁止穿著拖鞋、皮鞋、高跟鞋、木屐或其他不合場地使用規定之鞋類進入。
6. 場地內嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、飲食(飲用水除外)、嚼檳榔或口香糖。
7. 活動民眾應於場地租借時間內使用,如非租用時間禁止擅自進入使用。
8. 使用館內場地時,請注意使用時間,勿超時佔用(包括公益活動),尊重下一位使用者的權利。
9. 個人貴重物品、財務請自行妥善保管,若遺失本中心恕不負責。
10. 本場地所舉辦的各項活動,請依規定報名參加,禁止私下他用。
11. 嚴禁本中心教學課程以外之私人教學行為,但經本中心核准同意者不在此限。請參閱臺北市中正運動中心私人教學管理辦法。
12. 非體育活動經本中心核准出借使用時,須另訂契約並依約辦理借用手續。
13. 如有租借/使用各項器材須先將含照片之證件押給櫃檯,於使用完畢後,請立即歸還並排列整齊。
14. 若因使用不當造成設備/器材毀損,本中心有權要求損壞賠償。(賠償細則請參照器具租借須知)
15. 為維持環境及安全,如有違反使用須知、不聽從教練指導或因個人因素而影響他人權益或導致受傷時,本中心得立即禁止使用(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。
16. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
17. 禁止攜帶寵物進入場館,法令另有規定者,不在此限。
18. 館內插座不提供給個人使用。 如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
19. 淋濕的物品(如:傘/鞋/衣/帽…等)請先擦乾後再帶入場館,以避免地面濕滑以及水氣損害地板材質。
20. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其購票使用。

1. For users' rights and interests, please kindly comply with the rules.
2. Please purchase tickets at Reception Counter at 1st floor before using the facility.
3. Please comply with the rules and take care of public property especially in free admission.
4. People with condition below, please do not use the facility: with contagious disease, have had meals within an hour, Hypotension or Hypertension, using alcohol, sleep deprivation, diabetes, hearts disease…etc. Once you feel anything wrong with your body, please do not use the facility.
5. Please wear proper attire and athletic shoes entering to the badminton court. Wearing slippers, leather shoes, high heels, clogs or any inappropriate shoes are not allowed.
6. Please do not smoke, drink (except for water), eat, and chew betel nuts or chewing gum in this area.
7. Please use the facility during the time slot in your rental; it is forbidden to enter without permission.
8. For users' rights and interests, please do not use over-time.
9. Please keep your personal belongings safe at all time, we are not liable for any loss.
10. Please sign up for activities according to the guideline. Do not join any activity without approval.
11. Personal training is not allowed unless accepted by the center. Please refer to the personal training rules of our center.
12. Non-athletic events need to apply with further contracts for approvals.
13. Please leave your photo ID at the service counter if renting/borrowing any equipment. Please return the equipment to their original positions after use.
14. We will claim for damage caused by miscues. (Please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
15. In order to maintain the facility and for your safety, if there is violation or injure caused by disobeying the coach, or any personal issue, we will stop you to use any facility right away without compensation.
16. Photography, videography, poster hanging, flags hanging, and labeling and other such behaviors are forbidden without our approval.
17. We do not recommend entering the facility with your pets, while guide dogs are welcome.
18. Electrical sockets are reserved for events or venue rental with additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
19. To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry the wet items (i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hats) before entering the area.
20. The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.
籃球場使用須知(Basketball Court Rules) 1. 為維護使用者之權益,請愛惜使用本中心設備,並遵守各項使用須知。
2. 使用本設備請先於1樓櫃台購票後,始可入場使用。
3. 公益活動為回饋社會服務,請使用者更珍惜場所並遵守入場規定。
4. 若有以下情形之一,禁止使用本設備:(1)患有傳染性疾病者。(2)飯後一小時內、血壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足時或其他任何身體不適者。(3)患有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病等,於生理或心理狀態不適宜入場使用之情形者。
5. 活動民眾必須穿著運動服裝及運動鞋進入場地,禁止穿著拖鞋、皮鞋、高跟鞋、木屐或其他不合場地使用規定之鞋類進入。
6. 場地內嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、飲食(飲用水除外)、嚼檳榔或口香糖。
7. 活動民眾應於場地租借時間內使用,如非租用時間禁止擅自進入使用。
8. 使用館內場地時,請注意使用時間,勿超時佔用(包括公益活動),尊重下一位使用者的權利。
9. 個人貴重物品、財務請自行妥善保管,若遺失本中心恕不負責。
10. 本場地所舉辦的各項活動,請依規定報名參加,禁止私下他用。
11. 嚴禁本中心教學課程以外之私人教學行為,但經本中心核准同意者不在此限。請參閱臺北市中正運動中心私人教學管理辦法。
12. 非體育活動經本中心核准出借使用時,須另訂契約並依約辦理借用手續。
13. 如有租借/使用各項器材須先將含照片之證件押給櫃檯,於使用完畢後,請立即歸還並排列整齊。
14. 若因使用不當造成設備/器材毀損,本中心有權要求損壞賠償。(賠償細則請參照器具租借須知)
15. 為維持環境及安全,如有違反使用須知、不聽從教練指導或因個人因素而影響他人權益或導致受傷時,本中心得立即禁止使用(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。
16. 未經中心許可,禁止照相、攝影、錄音、張貼或懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
17. 禁止攜帶寵物進入場館,法令另有規定者,不在此限。
18. 館內插座不提供給個人使用。 如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
19. 淋濕的物品(如:傘/鞋/衣/帽…等)請先擦乾後再帶入場館,以避免地面濕滑以及水氣損害地板材質。
20. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列、修訂之,並以現場公告或工作人員說明為準。若未能配合管理者,現場工作人員將有權令其離場(不予退費)並不負賠償責任。為維護其他使用者的安全,屢勸不聽者,本中心有權禁止其購票使用。

1. For users' rights and interests, please kindly comply with the rules.
2. Please purchase tickets at Reception Counter at 1st floor before using the facility.
3. Please comply with the rules and take care of public property especially in free admission.
4. People with condition below, please do not use the facility: with contagious disease, have had meals within an hour, Hypotension or Hypertension, using alcohol, sleep deprivation, diabetes, hearts disease…etc. Once you feel anything wrong with your body, please do not use the facility.
5. Please wear proper attire and athletic shoes entering to the badminton court. Wearing slippers, leather shoes, high heels, clogs or any inappropriate shoes are not allowed.
6. Please do not smoke, drink (except for water), eat, and chew betel nuts or chewing gum in this area.
7. Please use the facility during the time slot in your rental; it is forbidden to enter without permission.
8. For users' rights and interests, please do not use over-time.
9. Please keep your personal belongings safe at all time, we are not liable for any loss.
10. Please sign up for activities according to the guideline. Do not join any activity without approval.
11. Personal training is not allowed unless accepted by the center. Please refer to the personal training rules of our center.
12. Non-athletic events need to apply with further contracts for approvals.
13. Please leave your photo ID at the service counter if renting/borrowing any equipment. Please return the equipment to their original positions after use.
14. We will claim for damage caused by miscues. (Please refer to equipment rental rules for details)
15. In order to maintain the facility and for your safety, if there is violation or injure caused by disobeying the coach, or any personal issue, we will stop you to use any facility right away without compensation.
16. Photography, videography, poster hanging, flags hanging, and labeling and other such behaviors are forbidden without our approval.
17. We do not recommend entering the facility with your pets, while guide dogs are welcome.
18. Electrical sockets are reserved for events or venue rental with additional fee; personal use is not allowed.
19. To avoid slippery surface and floor damage, please dry the wet items (i.e. umbrella, footwear, clothing, hats) before entering the area.
20. The center has the right to add and alter the rules accordingly with the announcement on site and staff explanation as overrule. The center reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules.


南港中心:開放桌、壁、羽(六樓) 各場地使用需知: 壁球室使用須知 一、 本場地接受電話預訂或現場預訂。
二、 患有傳染病、心臟病、急性骨骼運動傷害、惡性腫瘤及多發性硬化症、癲癇症、意識不清及未經控制之高血壓及糖尿病者,不可從事壁球等激烈運動。
三、 進入本場地木質地板活動者,需著運動鞋,以維護木質地板品質。
四、 使用本場地各項器材設備時應遵守安全規定,教練或指導員得以隨時制止使用者具有安全顧慮之行為,如不聽制止,本中心得強制使用者離開本場地之權利。
五、 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖、攜帶寵物、雨具及攜帶任何食品進入館內。
六、 公共場所私人物品需自行保管;物品遺失自行負責。
七、 未經許可禁止張貼海報、旗幟、標語等。
八、 本場地最適使用人數:4人

1. To apply for the use of the court, please make a reservation. 7 days in advance via phone or at the front desk.
2. Patrons with the following conditions must not take part in intense sports such as squash: infectious diseases, heart diseases, acute sports injury, malignant tumor, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, conscious disturbance; those with a high blood pressure or diabetes yet not on medication.
3. Patrons entering the gymnasium must wear sports shoes at all times.
4. Patrons should abide by the safety regulations of this venue. Coaches or directors reserve the right to stop a patron from behaviors that may endanger other users. Patrons may be ejected from the venue should he/she refuse to stop such a behavior after a first warning.
5. Smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nut or gum are prohibited. Food, drinks, pets, and umbrellas are not allowed in the gym.
6. Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
7. Putting up posters, flags, or signs is prohibited.
8. Maximum capacity: 4 people.
羽球場使用須知 一、 本場地接受電話預訂或現場預訂;長期季租依照本中心季租辦法辦理。
二、 患有傳染病、心臟病、急性骨骼運動傷害、惡性腫瘤及多發性硬化症、癲癇症、意識不清及未經控制之高血壓及糖尿病者,不可從事羽球等激烈運動。
三、 使用本場地各項器材設備時應遵守安全規定,教練或指導員得以隨時制止使用者具有安全顧慮之行為,如不聽制止,本中心得強制使用者離開本場地之權利。
四、 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖、攜帶寵物、雨具及攜帶任何食品進入館內。
五、 公共場所私人物品須自行保管,若有遺失自行負責。
六、 未經許可禁止張貼海報、旗幟、標語等。
七、 本場地最適使用人數:24人

Badminton Court Rules
1. To apply for the use of the court, please make a reservation via phone or at the front desk. Long-term rental can be applied by its related rules.
2. Patrons with the following conditions must not take part in intense sports such as badminton: infectious diseases, heart diseases, acute sports injury, malignant tumor, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, conscious disturbance; those with a high blood pressure or diabetes yet not on medication.
3. Patrons entering the gymnasium must wear sports shoes at all times.
4. Patrons should abide by the safety regulations of this venue. Coaches or directors reserve the right to stop a patron from behaviors that may endanger other users. Patrons may be ejected from the venue should he/she refuse to stop such a behavior after a first warning.
5. Smoking, drinking, and chewing betel nut or gum are prohibited. Food, drinks, pets, and umbrellas are not allowed in the gym.
6. Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
7. Putting up posters, flags, or signs is prohibited.
8. Maximum capacity: 24 people.
桌球場 一、 本場地接受電話預訂或現場預訂。
二、 未經本中心核准不得於本場地內進行收費教學之行為。
三、 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖、攜帶寵物、雨具及攜帶任何食品進入館內。
四、 公共場所私人物品須自行保管,若有遺失自行負責。
五、 未經許可禁止張貼海報、旗幟、標語等。
六、 本場地最適使用人數:16人

Table Tennis Court Rules
1. To apply for the use of the court, please make a reservation. 7 days in advance via phone or at the front desk.
2. Giving private lessons is not allowed unless approved by management.
3. Smoking, drinking, chewing betel nut and gum are prohibited. Pets and umbrellas are not allowed in the venue.
4. Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
5. Putting up posters, flags, or signs is prohibited.
6. Maximum capacity: 16 people.


信義:開放壁球、桌球場(三樓) 各場地使用須知 壁球場使用須知 一、 未經本中心核准不得於本場地內進行收費教學之行為。
二、 使用時需穿著運動服飾及鞋襪,禁止穿著黑色鞋底之運動鞋。
三、 禁止將汗擦拭在牆壁上,地面如留有汗水,需隨手擦拭。
四、 場地無人使用時,請隨手關燈。
五、 燈光關閉後,如需重新開啟,須待五分鐘後再行開啟,以維護燈泡壽命。
六、 除球具外,所攜帶之物品需放置在場外。
七、 擊球時,揮拍弧度不可過大,以維護對手之安全。
八、 擊球時,請勿回頭目擊對手擊球,避免眼睛直接受到撞擊。
九、 有不適合做激烈運動疾病者,請勿做超負荷運動訓練。

Squash Coure Rules
1. Giving private lessons is not allowed unless approved by management.
2. Please dress in proper sports attire including sportswear, shoes, and socks. Sports shoes with black bottoms are prohibited.
3. Please keep the walls and floor clean. Please wipe clean the floor should it become wet.
4. Please turn off lights when not using the venue.
5. Please wait five minutes after turning off the lights before turning the lights back on.
6. With the exception of balls and racquets, please place all personal items outside the room.
7. Be aware of your partner/opponent’s safety when using the racquet.
8. To protect your eyes, please do not turn around to look at your partner after he/she hits the ball.
9. Patrons who are not fit to participate in intense sports should refrain from imposing excessive stress on the body.
10. Smoking, drinking, and chewing beetle nut or gum are prohibited. Pets and umbrellas are not allowed in the venue.
11. Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
12. Putting up posters, flags, or signs is not allowed.
13. Maximum capacity: 12 people.
桌球場使用須知 一、 未經本中心核准不得於本場地內進行收費教學之行為。
二、 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖、攜帶寵物、雨具及攜帶任何食品進入館內。
三、 公共場所私人物品需自行保管;物品遺失自行負責。
四、 未經許可禁止張貼海報、旗幟、標語等。
五、 本場地最適使用人數:12人

TableTennis Court Rules
1. To apply for the use of this venue, please make a reservation 10 days in advance via phone or at the front desk.
2. Giving private lessons is not allowed unless approved by management.
3. Smoking, drinking, chewing beetle nut and gum are prohibited. Pets and umbrellas are not allowed in the venue.
4. Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
5. Putting up posters, flags, or signs is prohibited.
6. Maximum capacity: 12 people.
多功能綜合場(Multifunctional Gymnasium Rules) 一、 患有傳染病、心臟病、急性骨骼運動傷害、惡性腫瘤及多發性硬化症、癲癇症、意識不清及未經控制之高血壓及糖尿病者,不可從事籃球等激烈運動。
二、 進入本場地木質地板活動者,需著運動鞋,以維護木質地板品質。
三、 使用本場地各項器材設備時應遵守安全規定,教練或指導員得以隨時制止使用者具有安全顧慮之行為,如不聽制止,本中心得強制使用者離開本場地之權利。
四、 嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖、攜帶寵物、雨具及攜帶任何食品進入館內。
五、 公共場所私人物品需自行保管;物品遺失自行負責。
六、 未經許可禁止張貼海報、旗幟、標語等。
七、 本場地最適使用人數 動態體育性活動:200人 靜態集會型活動:400人

Badminton Court Rules
1. Patrons with the following conditions must not take part in intense sports such as basketball: infectious diseases, heart diseases, acute sports injury, malignant tumor, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, conscious disturbance; those with a high blood pressure or diabetes yet not on medication.
2. Patrons entering the gymnasium must wear sports shoes at all times.
3. Patrons should abide by the safety regulations of this venue. Coaches or directors reserve the right to stop a patron from behaviors that may endanger other users. Patrons may be ejected from the venue should he/she refuse to stop such a behavior after a first warning.
4. Smoking, drinking, and chewing beetle nut or gum are prohibited. Food, drinks, pets, and umbrellas are not allowed in the gym.
5. Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
6. Putting up posters, flags, or signs is prohibited.
7. Maximum capacity: Sporting events: 200 people. Non-sporting events: 400 people.


各場地使用須知 壁球室(Squash Room) 一、本場地開放於7日內現場或電話預約申請。

1. To apply for the use of this venue, please make a reservation 7 days in advance via phone or at the front desk.
2.Giving private lessons is not alllowed unless approved by management.
3 Please dress in proper sports attire including sportswear, shoes, and socks. Sports shoes with black bottoms are prohibited.
4.Please keep the walls and floor clean. Please wipe clean the floor should it become wet.
5 Please turn off lights when not using the venue.
6 Please wait five minutes after turning off the lights before turning the lights back on.
7. With the exception of balls and racquets, please place all personal items outside the room.
8.Be aware of your partner/opponent' s safety when using the racquet.
9.To protect your eyes, please do not turn around to look at your partner after he/she hits the ball.
10 Patrons who are not fit to participate in intense sports should refrain from imposing excessive stress on the body.
11 Smoking, drinking, and chewing beetle nut or gum are prohibited. Pets and umbrellas are not allowed in the venue.
12 Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
13. Putting up posters, flags, or signs is not allowed.
14. Maximum capacity: 8 people.
撞球室(Billard Room) 一、本場地開放於7日內現場或電話預約申請;長期季租依照本中心季租辦法辦理。

1.To apply for the use of this venue, please make a reservation 7 days in advance via phone or at the front desk. Long-term rental can be applied following related procedures.
2.Giving private lessons is not allowed unless approved by management.
3.Smoking, drinking, chewing beetle nut and gum are prohibited. Pets and umbrellas are not allowed in the venue.
4.Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
5.Putting up posters, flags, or signs is prohibited.
6.Maximum capacity: 24 people.
桌球室(TableTennis Room) 一、本場地開放於7日內現場或電話預約申請;長期季租依照本中心季租辦法辦理。

1.To apply for the use of this venue, please make a reservation 7 days in advance via phone or at the front desk. Long-term rental can be applied following related procedures.
2.Giving private lessons is not allowed unless approved by management.
3.Smoking, drinking, chewing beetle nut and gum are prohibited. Pets and umbrellas are not allowed in the venue.
4.Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
5.Putting up posters, flags, or signs is prohibited.
6.Maximum capacity: 20 people.
多功能綜合球場(Multifunctional Gymnasium) 一、本場地需事前申請,活動前10日內接受現場或電話預約。
八、本場地最適使用人數動態體育性活動:400人 靜態集會型活動:800人

1.To apply for the use of this venue, please make a reservation 10 days in advance through phone or at the front desk.
2.Patrons with the following conditions must not take part in intense sports such as basketball: infectious diseases, heart diseases, acute sports injury, malignant tumor, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, conscious disturbance; those with a high blood pressure or diabetes yet not on medication.
3.Patrons entering the gymnasium must wear sports shoes at all times.
4.Patrons should abide by the safety regulations of this venue. Coaches or directors reserve the right to stop a patron from behaviors that may endanger other users. Patrons may be ejected from the venue should he/she refuse to stop such a behavior after a first warning.
5.Smoking, drinking, and chewing beetle nut or gum are prohibited. Food, drinks, pets, and umbrellas are not allowed in the gym.
6.Management is not responsible for any stolen or lost personal items.
7.Putting up posters, flags, or signs is prohibited.
8.Maximum capacity: Sporting events 400 people / Non-sporting events 800 people.


各場地使用須知 桌球場使用須知 1.應穿著運動服裝及專用運動鞋,禁止穿著皮鞋、高跟鞋、拖鞋等不合規定之鞋類進入活動場區,以免損壞地面。

Table Tennis Court Rules
1.Proper clothing and footwear must be worn at all times.
2.No Smoking, alcoholic beverages, betel nut ,food or chewing gum.
3.No pets or rain gear.
4.No drugs, guns, or weapons.
5.No running.
6.No sitting on pool tables.
7.Users are responsible for all their own personal belongings and valuables.
8.Without permission, no hanging posters, flags, or banners.
9.No teaching or training activities without the approval of the center.
10.If you are interested in renting venues for other uses, should apply in advance and pay a deposit in order to use the site.
11.The center reserves the right to restrict and/or refuse admittance to its facilities.
12.The above policies are subject to change without notice.

Billiard Room Rules
1.No smoking, alcoholic beverages, betel nut , food or chewing gum.
2.No pets or rain gear.
3.No drugs, guns, or weapons.
4.No running.
5.Users are responsible for all their own personal belongings and valuables.
6.Without permission, no hanging posters, flags, or banners.
7.No teaching or training activities without the approval of the center.
8.If you are interested in renting venues for other uses, should apply in advance and pay a deposit in order to use the site.
9.The center reserves the right to restrict and/or refuse admittance to its facilities.
10.Tables are available for booking at the front desk. Entering the tables without permission is viewed as renting the tables.
11.You should take care of cues, pool tables, balls and chalk. Individuals will be charged a fee for damaged or lost equipment. Fee will be determined based on fair market value/replacement cost of the item.
12.If you would like to rent pool cues, please ask for staff at the front desk and return it after finishing.
13.The above policies are subject to change without notice.
多功能場地(Multifunction courts) 1. 使用球場前,請先於一樓服務台登記並繳費,如無預約或非使用時間禁止擅自進入,違者視同購買該時段。
2. 球場設備與淋浴設施應愛惜使用,如有故意破壞、損壞應照價賠償。
3. 電子計分版與羽球架須由場館值勤人員操作或搬移,非經許可不得擅自開關,以防止危險及損壞。
4. 本中心保有因活動、課程等需要,暫停租借或開放球場之權力。
5. 應穿著運動服裝及專用運動鞋,禁止穿著皮鞋、高跟鞋等不合規定之鞋類進入活動場區,以免損壞地面。
6. 場地內嚴禁吸煙、喝酒、吃檳榔、飲食及嚼食口香糖。
7. 禁止攜帶寵物及雨具進入球場。
8. 禁止攜帶違禁品、毒品、槍械、爆裂物進入球場。
9. 有任何不適宜從事羽球運動之相關症狀或疾病者,謝絕使用。
10. 禁止隨行兒童於場地內奔跑嬉戲。
11. 凡私人物品應自行負責並妥善保管。
12. 未經本館許可禁止張貼、懸掛海報、旗幟、標語等。
13. 未經本中心核准,不得於本球場進行教學訓練之行為。
14. 若租借場館需作其他使用,應事先申請並繳交場地保證金方能使用。
15. 如有違反本辦法者,本中心管理人員可隨時禁止使用者行為。

Badminton Court Rules
1. Courts are available for booking at the front desk. Entering the courts without permission is viewed as renting the courts.
2. You should take care of equipment. Individuals will be charged a fee for damaged or lost equipment. Fee will be determined based on fair market value/replacement cost of the item.
3. 4. All facilities are subject to availability:
5. Proper attire and footwear are required in activity spaces.
6. No smoking, alcoholic beverages, betel nut , food or chewing gum.
7. No pets or rain gear.
8. No drugs, guns, or weapons.
9. No Running.
10. Users are responsible for all their own personal belongings and valuables.
11. Without permission, no hanging posters, flags, or banners.
12. No teaching or training activities without the approval of the center.
13. If you are interested in renting venues for other uses, should apply in advance and pay a deposit in order to use the site.
14. The center reserves the right to restrict and/or refuse admittance to its facilities.
15. The above policies are subject to change without notice.